In Mundomar we have all the diferent species of Mcaws you had ever imagine: Blue and Yellow Macaws, Red-and-green Macaw,Military Macaw, Scarlet Macaw...
Macaws are a genus of bird in the parrot family Psittacidae, in the Psittaciformes order, comprising 14 species (six of them already extinct) of American origin. These animals live in trees, from the jungles of Mexico to northeastern Argentina. They feed on insects and berries.
There are 17 species of macaws ― 23 if including the extinct ones ― divided into 6 genuses. Ara is the largest genus ― originally including all the species. Indeed, nowadays we can still find some books and websites in which Ara appears as a unique genus.
In Mundomar you will be able to see four of the main species of macaw:
Blue-and-yellow macaws or Ara ararauna are native to South America. They can be seen in Panama, throughout northern South American regions and also in the Amazon basin. They usually reproduce easily in captivity. When they are in nature, they live in groups of 25-30 individuals. Blue-and-yellow macaws are also known as blue-and-gold macaws. These animals are, without any doubt, the icon of all macaws, with their big tails and strong beaks.
Since the moment when Columbus arrived in Spain after the discovery of America, macaws have always been seen as pet birds. Macaws are able to breed naturally in captivity. Since 1935 they reproduce easily in an artificial way. They usually reproduce during the spring season, even if they have not a defined breeding season and they are able to reproduce whenever in a year. They are really good pets and are able to imitate the human voice, but for that they require a minimum of daily attention. If they feel they are ignored, they are likely to become depressed and lose their amazing plumage. They need big cages so they can easily open their wings inside. They also need toys and enough space to move.
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Scarlet macaws or Ara macao are large colourful birds belonging to the parrot family Psittacidae. Their habitat covers a vast territory ― from the tropical rainforests in southern Mexico to northeastern Argentina (where they live at 0 to 3300 feet above sea level). However, due to the destruction or their original habitat, scarlet macaws are nowadays on the list of endangered species. Indeed, they have already disappeared in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Colombia.
They are about 32-38 inches long and weigh about 2.2 pounds. Both males and females are red and blue at the end of their back. Their tail is red with a blue tip at the end. The feathers in their wings are mainly yellow, but there may also be some green ones. The upper part of their beak (upper jaw) is light-coloured and there are two black patches on both sides. The lower part of their beak (lower jaw) is black. Between their lower jaw and their yellow eyes there is a featherless white-skinned area.
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Military macaws or Ara militaris are birds belonging to the genus Ara and to the parrot family Psittacidae. They are present in the area going from Mexico to northern Argentina. Given that their population is so fragmented and irregularly spread, they are currently considered to be a vulnerable species.
Description: They are about 28 in long and up to 2-2.4 lbs weight. Their plumage is mainly green but their head’s colour is slightly lighter. They have a red-feathered band on the upper part of their beak. The skin in their face is white and it has some little black feathers on it. The feathers in their primary and secondary wings are blue. They have a beautiful blue-bordered red tail. Their strong beak is dark-grey coloured. Their iris is yellow.
Feeding: They feed on a wide variety of fruits, palm fruits, walnuts, seeds, leaves, flowers, stems and leaf buds from certain trees. Some of the food they eat may contain toxic or caustic substances they are able to digest. In western Amazonas, these animals feed daily on the clay they find in rivers to neutralize these substances. The clay is also useful for them as it is a source of sodium.
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These big macaws catch one’s attention thanks to their vivid and spectacular colours and the shrill call they use to communicate while flying. Young individuals look like adults but their tail is shorter.
These birds live usually in couples or in little groups ― which are usually family groups. Sometimes they form big groups with other macaws, especially on the ground, where they eat exposed mineral sands. They also eat seeds, fruits and walnuts.
As a pet, it is an intelligent and curious bird. However, contrary to other pet animals, these macaws do not like to be alone. That is why people who have macaws are recommended to acquire another bird ― not necessarily the same species. Their big size and their incombustible activity require big cages in which they can easily move. Contrary to other big macaws, it is difficult for them to breed in captivity.
Suspendisse elementum, est vel fringilla eleifend, dui nisl tristique elit, nec consequat libero massa in velit. Nullam ultrices sodales erat, et tristique leo dignissim non.