Exotic birds

During your visit to Mundomar you will find a wide range of exotic birds coming from different habitats. Thanks to our space devoted to a large collection of birds ― and thanks to other similar exhibition spaces in the Park ― you will be able to gaze at these animals close up, as you never did before. You will be able to enjoy the wonders nature brings to us in form of implausibly-shaped colourful exotic bird species.

And now you will find a short presentation of some of the exotic species that are waiting for you in our Park in Benidorm:


Blue-Crowned Parakeets

Blue-crowned parakeets or Aratinga acuticaudata are birds of the genus Aratinga. They can be seen in South America, from northern Argentina to southeastern Colombia.
They are the biggest specimens within the genus Aratinga. They are about 15 in long and weigh up to 0.4 lbs. They are mainly green, but their head, their crown, their cheeks and their ears are blue. The feathers in their chest may be blue, but they are commonly green or yellowish green. They have a green tail with a brownish-red coloured underside. Their legs are rosy-dun coloured and their nails are brownish-grey coloured. Their upper jaw is colourful with blackish-grey patches. Their lower jaw is colourful only during their first two years of life.


Sun Parakeets

Sun parakeets or Aratinga solstitialis are a bird species of the parrot family Psittacidae. They are endemic to South America and they are spread all around Brazil.
They eat all kinds of fruits and small seeds. They are up to 12 in long and weigh around 0.3 lbs.
Young specimens’ plumage is mainly green. Their tails, their abdomens and their heads adopt yellowish, orangish and reddish colours as they grow up and mature. Males and females look the same.
These birds are usually adopted as pet birds and they breed very easily, both in nature and in captivity. Couples commonly stay together all their life. Females lay 3-5 eggs and they incubate them during 24 days. Only three out of four or five eggs hatch at the end. Even when parents are inexperienced, all chicks survive.


Lorius Garrulos

They are 12 in long.


These birds are well-known by his capacity to imitate movements. However, they are very bad-tempered and aggressive with other birds. Nevertheless, they tend to be docile and affectionate when in presence of their keepers.

They are bright-red coloured. They have a yellow-feathered area on their back, the angle of their wings and the zones under their wings. The upper part of their wings is mainly green, while the rest of them is dark-green coloured. Their beak is orange and their orangey-red eyes are surrounded by a grey circle.Their diet is based on nectar and fruits. They live in couples. They nest in tree hollows from June to September. Females lay one or two eggs which are hatched during a month.

Grullas mundomar benidor4m

Gray crowned cranes 

Grey crowned cranes or Balearica regulorum are birds in the crane family Gruidae. They usually live in the African savanna, in southern Sahara, but they commonly nest in more humid areas. They inhabit swamps, where they feed on big insects, frogs and toads, cereals and other vegetables. They fly slowly, with their neck and their legs drooping. They rest on the trees. Their displaying dance consists of jumps and loud two-note calls. Their wings’ white patches on their grey plumage are visible during the flight and during the displaying ritual.


Eclectus parrots

Eclectus parrots or Eclectus rotatus are endemic to Salomon Islands, New Guinea, northeastern Australia and Maluku Islands.
Contrary to most parrot species, eclectus parrots present a clear sexual dimorphism. Males have a coral-coloured beak. They are green-feathered but they also have red and blue feathers in their wings and in their tail. Females have a black beak and red feathers in their head and in their tail, and blue feathers in their abdomen and in their nape. They usually live in lowland forests and in open areas with high trees. They live in couple or in small groups. Males are more striking than females. Flocks usually meet to eat ripe fruits and stay the night on the trees. Their diet consists of fruits, walnuts, seeds, leaf buds, flowers and nectar.


Golden Pheasants

Golden pheasants or Chrysolophus pictus are a bird from the order Galliformes and the family Phayisanidae. They are native to China, Burma and some other areas in Asia.
They are very colourful. Their plumage is reddish and green. Their back is golden-yellow-coloured. Females usually lay 4-20 eggs that hatch about 25 days after the lay.
They feed on insects, leaves, grass and flower petals. They can be seen in prairies and it is difficult to find them in forests. Most of them are polygamous.


Mandarin Duck 

Mandarin ducks are robust and elegant. They are up to 18 in but there is a clear sexual dimorphism. Males and females are similar only when they are protected by their eclipse plumage.

Males are unmistakable. They present a green-metallic-bright red crest on their forehead and two white or light-cream-coloured lateral bands that emphasize their dark eyes and their reddish coral-coloured beak. They also have some coppery feathers that remind a beard. Their chest and their neck are purple and their abdomen is white. Their sides are cream-coloured with two bluish bands that divide into two other orangey bands curved upwards.
Females’ dun-and-ocher plumage is much more discreet. Colours are lighter in the lower parts of their bodies and their sides are mottled. They have a ring and a thick band around their eyes.


lady Amherst's Pheasants

Lady Amherst’s pheasants are birds of the order Galliformes and the family Phasianidae. They are native to southeastern Tibet and to the region going from southwestern China to northern Burma.
Adult males are up to 47 in long and their tail is 32 in long. They are unmistakable thanks to their silver-and-black head, their red-and-blue thick long tail and their yellow-and-white plumage. Females are much more discreet. They have a speckled chestnut plumage similar to that of the female common pheasant.
They usually feed on grain, leaves and invertebrates they find turning over the ground. They sleep on trees during the night. They prefer running to flying, but they can fly very fast when they need to do so. Males emit a rough call during the breeding period.