South America Coati

The coati is a medium-sized mammal only found on the American continent. The coati is found widely distributed across North, Cen 

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They are diurnal animals and live both on the ground and in trees.

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They are omnivorous eating predominantly fruits and invertebrates.

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Gestation period is 77 days. Females give birth to 2-4 young at a time.

Control nasua


This species is protected under CITES Appendix III


Breeding season occurs between January and March in some locations, and between October and February in others. After mating, males have a mainly solitary existence, and the females disperse and build nests for the remainder of gestation and parturation. Females give birth to litters of 3 to 7 young 74 to 77 days after mating. Most births occur between April and June.
Young are altricial (meaning"requiring nourishment", refers to a pattern of growth and development in organisms which are incapable of moving around on their own soon after hatching or being born). Neonates weigh 78 g at 5 days. Eyes open at 10 days. Young coatis are able to stand at 19 days. By 24 days of age, coatis are able to walk and to focus their eyes. Young can climb at 26 days, and eat solid food at 4 months.
Females care for the altricial young in isolated nests until they are able to walk and climb, at which time they rejoin the social group. Mothers continue to nurse the young until they are weaned around 4 months of age.