Dolphin Assisted Therapy

 The Mundomar Aqualandia Foundation is a nonprofit backed by Aqualandia Spain, aiming to promote the care, conservation and preservation of wildlife, nature and planet environment. Mundomar Aqualandia Foundation started back in 2001 to develop dolphin therapy programs to those children with physical or psychological dysfunctions.

Delfinoterapia en España

Delfinoterapia en Benidorm

Terapia asistida con delfines

Dolphin Assisted Therapy in Mundomar

Fundacion Aqualandia MundomarSince its beginning, more than 2,200 children with different pathologies have taken advantage of these programs. These pathologies entail psychomotor disorders without specific diagnosis, cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, quadriplegic and hemiplegic children with spinal cord atrophy, brain diseases and much more.

Before starting each session, our experts approach each child to compose both a personal and a physical profile which will be reflected in an individual medical report, which will be shared with the family upon request. This report details the characteristics of each case so it can be approached in such a specific and particular manner for an optimal treatment.

Our previous experience, backed by the opinions of different recognized professionals, let us define specically the average number of required sessions for each child. All programs are individual, beginning on Monday and ending on Saturday and take 30 minutes. Our experience drove us to define as the ideal tratment for every child a continuos intereaction of six days duration.

Families are advised to take photos or record programs, so special records from their passing through our programs can be kept for the future. Our aim is to let our users repeat the smace vivid experiences after a period of time.


More information available at:

You can send your queries by postal mail to:

A/A. Camino Herreros París
Sierra Helada, s/n
03503 Benidorm - Spain